Welcome to our Happy Seattle Family!

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35

Who We Are

About Us

The Seattle International Christian Church is a non-denominational church that is part of the International Christian Churches and a member of the SoldOut Discipling Movement. We are a family of Christian churches whose members are committed to living their lives in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ as found in the Bible.

We read and strive to abide by the entire Bible and hold it to be inspired and inerrant. We expect every member to be a disciple of Christ as defined in his teachings. The International Christian Churches were built on the revolutionary but Biblical conviction that every person must first make a decision to become a disciple and then be baptized. The Biblical Greek word for church is “ekklesia,” which means “the called out.”

Today we are an international family of churches that is rapidly spreading to all nations around the world (see our Crown of Thorns Project). We have been called out from religious mediocrity, spiritual error, atheism and agnosticism–into a meaningful, vibrant relationship with God.

Current Projects

Crown of Thorns

Our global mission aims to establish a sold-out, discipling Church in every nation around the world, sharing Christ’s message of hope and love with “every creature under Heaven.” (Col 1:23)

CLICK HERE to find a local church!

Operation Eagle

Our goal is to plant discipling churches across every state in the US. “Operation Eagle” is dedicated to spiritual growth, community service, and sharing Christ love with every American.

CLICK HERE to find a local church!

MERCY Worldwide

We serve in response to the call of the scriptures to imitate the compassionate heart of Jesus, who looked after the poor, needy and less fortunate.
Compassionate service that creates opportunities that transform the lives of those less fortunate around the world.

Interested in studying the Bible?

Embark on a personal Bible study journey to deepen your faith and understanding of God’s word in a profound way. Learn to seek Him with all of your heart, get  answers about baptism, and learn to live every day in discipleship with Christ.

Ministry Groups

Find a group of peers to spiritually grow with.


Our marriage ministry is dedicated to nurturing and strengthening the sacred bond between spouses through the light of Christ love. Grounded, in biblical principles, this ministry offers a sanctuary for couples to explore the depth of their commitment, communicate more effectively, and grow together in faith. We provide an array of supportive resources, including workshops, retreats, and counseling.

Stephen & Jenny Rydstedt


Our singles ministry is dedicated to helping single adults, deepen their relationship with Christ, while also fostering, meaningful connections with fellow believers. Through Bible studies, social, gatherings, and service projects, we provide opportunities for personal growth, fellowship, and outreach, encouraging our members to live, purposefully and joyfully within God’s plan for their lives.

Mason & Nathalie Fetelika


Our campus ministry provides a spiritual Haven for students, offering fellowship, worship, and biblical guidance. It’s a place where faith and education, intersect, fostering a supportive community that encourages personal growth in a deeper relationship with Christ admits the challenges of academic life. And we have a blast doing it! Come join us for a Bible talk discussion on campus today!

Marvell & Alexys Holder


Our teen ministry is a dynamic space where young people are empowered to explore and deepen their faith. Engaging in lively discussions, impactful service projects, and inspiring worship sessions, teens are nurtured to develop a robust relationship with Christ. This vibrant community fosters, spiritual growth, leadership skills, and lasting friendships, all within a supportive, Christ-centred environment.

Daniel Trujillo